Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hey Daddy...

Lorelai has a new trick to get me to stay with her when I put her to bed every night. When I cover her up and give her her bunny and froggy (her two favorite stuffed toys), she says, "Hey Daddy"...and then mostly jibberish. Sometimes she'll mention something about Audrey or Sophie amongst the jibberish, but it's so stinkin' cute.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Arrive Derci

The other night when I was about to put Lorelai down to sleep, Emily was saying "Bye Bye! Arrive Derci! Can you say arrive derci?

Lorelai replied " a chicken?"

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Definitely not a disciplined blogger

Lazy, maybe? Probably so. The last 2 years have been the greatest and fastest 2 years of my life. Lorelai has been such a joy, such a good child. If I can figure out how to put pictures here now (hopefully they've made it easier since last time I tried), I'll put a picture up. And I'll try to post regularly here. I should because there are alot of funny things that Lorelai says and does that should be recorded for posterity.

For example, she just turned 2 and it is starting to show. She is still a very sweet little girl, but sometimes she'll get a little moody. Practicing for womanhood, I guess ;). About a week ago, she kept saying "I don't want to do (whatever)". So I told her she was being contrary. Emily asked, "Can you say 'contrary'?". Lorelai replied "I don't want to say 'contrary'". My funny little girl.

Hey! I got a picture in here! It's a miracle! This is one of my favorites of the 2 beautiful women in my life.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Baby Pictures!!!

Here's a couple of pics. One with her cousin Alex greeting her for the first time with a little kiss. Sheesh...this site is bad with posting pics...I'll try it again later...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Been away for a while...

It's been awhile since I posted. Emily's belly is getting pretty big and we can see the baby kicking. Pretty wild.

I've been wanting to post a couple of pictures of my summer and I'll probably get the rest of them on in the next week or so.

About a month or so ago, Dad and Grandpa Morr and I went on a day trip to Columbus to the Motts Military Museum, which turned us away because they were holding some sort of volunteer appreciation luncheon there or something. Feeling a bit miffed, we went to the Air Force Museum and looked at their new missle exhibit. Grandpa worked on the Minuteman missle during his employment with the US government. They didn't have any Minuteman missles yet at the exhibit. We were striking out that day. So we ended up at the Veterans Memorial on North Fairfield Road in Beavercreek. I had passed it many times before, wanting to stop and take a look at it, but this day we finally got to take a close look at it. Really a nice memorial. It had bricks paving the way with names of area veterans from WWII to the Iraq war on them, honored by their families. Along the way were monuments for each of the major wars our country has been involved in, including this one for WWII. (Looks like Blogger is having trouble downloading pictures again...I'll add it later)...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It's a...


Emily and I went to get the ultrasound today and it's a girl. Isn't she beautiful?! OK, so she looks a little bit like Skeletor right now, but I'm sure she's beautiful. Hopefully she takes after her mother.

Friday, July 15, 2005

We're Not Afraid

I learned about this site on the news last night. Pretty neat idea that evidently is gaining popularity. Some are very artfully done and others tug at the heartstrings. And apparently The Spice Girls aren't afraid, either :). And some are pretty silly, but nevertheless, a collective finger to the terrorists.